The Carter Business Funding Program will help you obtain the funds to grow your business and solve your money problems. We will assist you in connecting some dots so that you will have a smooth path to unlimited funding approvals!
This program will set up your legal structure or review your current structure to ensure that your business is set up correctly for approvals from lenders.
Problems we help you solve with this program:
Legal Entity Formation- Filing fee paid by client
Employer Identification Documents
Business address and phone number
Register and obtain D-U-N-S Number
Virtual listing to support SEO ranking
Website domain and business corporation email address
Social media platform up to 3 accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin)
Website content creation and site publishing
Apply for lines of credit, credit cards and or loans on your behalf
This program will pretty much take the guessing game out of your business structure development and funding process. We assist you so that you won’t miss major critical steps in your company’s early stages of business.
The items that are included in this program are a MUST do list!! Do you really want to start a business that is not set up properly? Are you tired of using your personal cash to fund your business? We help you get to your goals faster so that you can focus on making money!
Ready to get started now? Your investment is just $1000 to get your business funded and set up the RIGHT way! Who better to invest in but YOU?!
Business Funding Approval- 10% succession fee of approval amount to be paid after approval